​Graham Smith Illustration
Project |02
Project |02 Life Drawing Instructor
I teach a life drawing workshop at Sony/ Daybreak Games, to inspire the artists and animators to draw boldly, and expressively!
Project |03
Project |03 Restaurant Sketchbook
Sketchbooks drawing done in restaurants all over Southern California.
Project |04
Project |04 Mountain West TV Spot
A matching set of 12 drawing of college football players towering over their hometown landscapes, created in layered files, for animation in After Effects for a TV commercial on ESPN for college football.
Watch the Video.
Project |05
Project |05 Pass the Journal
Strathmore Artist Papers sent 12 sketchboks to artists around the globe with the mission to fill a page with art, share it online, and Pass the Journal to another artist.
One of the sketchbook showed up at my studio one day, so I decided to dive in, and film the drawing process of a a creature called The Bird Feeder.
Read all about it and see the videos on my blog.

Project |06
Project |06 small world - Andy Lund album cover and liner notes
Master guitarist Andy Lund dropped his second album "small world". So I designed a 32 page, deluxe, liner notes filled with ilustrations, music charts, lyrics for each song, and a music video.

Project |07
Project |07 black book project
illustrate the staff of Black Book in a noir-mystery style.
Project |08
Project |08 Sketchbook Fury-
the Art Ninja's Guidebook
4 video instruction series for Strathmore Artist Papers.
episode 1 - mojo your dojo
episode 2 - overcome fear
episode 3 - basic skills
episode 4 - sketchbook strongman

Project |09
Project |09 Sketchbook 28
Samples from one of my many sketchbooks. I draw in them everyday, and when they are finished, sometimes I make a video about them.

Project |10
Project |10 Beer For Data
4 non fiction account of collecting data for the CIA during the war in Afghanistan.... where a tiki barv was set up and data exchanged for beer.
Video: watch the creation of this non fiction series.

Project |11
Project |11 Belmont Park Strongman
Character design, and old time banner illustration for the striker amusement park game in Mission Beach California.
Video: watch how the art was made. From sketch to printer to playing the game.

Project |12
Project |12 Blue Smoke Sushi
Created illustrations used on wall graphics, menu, custom lamps, window graphis, and a giant 8 foot whale that lights up with blue leds.
Video: Watch me drawing the Whale

Project |13
Project |13 Game of Thrones
Illustrated the season 6 cast nominated for an Emmy for the cover of Deadline Magazine.